The Ultimate Survival Kit Guide

April 16, 2023 – Safety Kits Plus

The Ultimate Survival Kit Guide

What is a Survival Kit? Why are Survival Kits important and what should be in one?

Man with survival backpack

In our unpredictable world, emergencies and disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. From natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires, to man-made emergencies like terrorist attacks, it's important to be prepared for the unexpected. One of the most critical steps you can take to prepare for an emergency is to have a survival kit. In this article, we'll provide you with the ultimate survival kit guide, including what a survival kit is, why it is important, and what should be included in one.

What is a Survival Kit?

Essential tools to help you survive

A survival kit is a collection of essential items and tools that are designed to help you survive in an emergency or disaster situation. The kit should be easily accessible, portable, and contain all the necessary items to sustain life for a minimum of three days. Survival kits come in different sizes and types, from basic to advanced, and can be tailored to specific emergencies.

Outside of a survival backpack

Why are Survival Kits Important and what should be in them?

You may need to evacuate your home or workplace quickly

Having a survival kit is essential because emergencies and disasters can happen without warning. You may need to evacuate your home or workplace quickly, and having a survival kit can help you and your loved ones survive until help arrives. A survival kit can also provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you're prepared for any emergency.

What Should be Included in a Survival Kit?

When creating a survival kit, it's important to include items that will sustain life for a minimum of three days.

Here are some essential items that should be included in a basic survival kit:

  1. Water: Plan for at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes.
  2. Non-perishable food: Include enough food to last each person for at least three days. Choose high-energy, easy-to-prepare foods like canned goods, protein bars, and dried fruit.
  3. First aid kit: Include basic supplies like bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  4. Emergency radio: A battery-powered or hand-crank radio can help you stay informed of weather and emergency updates.
  5. Flashlight: Include a flashlight with extra batteries.
  6. Whistle: A whistle can help you signal for help in an emergency.
  7. Dust mask: A dust mask can protect you from inhaling harmful particles.
  8. Moist towelettes: Include moist towelettes or baby wipes for sanitation purposes.
  9. Garbage bags: Include garbage bags for waste disposal.
  10. Important documents: Include copies of important documents like identification, insurance policies, and medical information.
  11. Cash: Include cash in small denominations.
  12. Multi-tool: A multi-tool can be useful in a variety of situations.

Our Top Picks for Survival Kits

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Best Grab and Go Kit

The one item to grab when a disaster strikes. With 72 hours of emergency food and all the essentials and tools needed to survive. All stores in a durable canvas bag.


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Best Grab and Go Kit

This 64 Piece Survival Kit is a great basic bug out bag and is well-equipped with the essential gear and emergency food and water you may need in an emergency situation.

  • Designed for 1 person
  • Comes with individually packed meals you will actually enjoy eating
  • 37 Piece First Aid Kit can help you address minor injuries
  • Portable Stove allows you to enjoy a warm cooked meal
  • Emergency Whistle, Mylar Blanket, N95 Mask and other useful supplies


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The Ultimate 3-Day Survival Backpack

This ultimate 3-day survival backpack does more than just cover the basics for a survival situation, it helps you thrive! The gear and equipment were carefully curates to ensure you are prepared to shelter in place or on the go, and the food is delicious!

  • Designed for 1 person for 3 days, but can be used for 2 people for 1-2 days
  • The wide variety of tasty meals will help keep your spirits up
  • Portable stove and cooking pot helps you cook a nice warm meal to enjoy
  • A 10 person first aid kit will keep you, your family, and friends prepared
  • The crank radio/phone charger/flashlight is one of the most versatile and easy to use pieces of survival equipment
  • Matches and 6 Wise Fire starter packs can help you quickly and easily start a fire

How to Create a Survival Kit

When creating a survival kit, it is important to consider your individual needs and the needs of your family. Here are some steps to follow when creating a survival kit:

Determine the size of your survival kit: The size of your survival kit will depend on the number of people in your family and the amount of supplies you need.

Choose a container: The container for your survival kit should be durable, waterproof, and easy to carry. A backpack or duffel bag is a good option.

Gather essential items: Use the list of essential items above as a guide for gathering supplies for your survival kit.

Consider individual needs: If you or your family members have specific needs, such as medications or medical equipment, make sure to include them in the survival kit.

Update the kit regularly: It is important to update your survival kit regularly. Check expiration dates of food and medications and replace items as needed.

Additional Supplies to Consider

Depending on your specific needs and the type of emergency you may face, consider including these additional items in your survival kit:

  1. Prescription medications and glasses: Include a supply of prescription medications and glasses.
  2. Sleeping bag and blankets: Include a sleeping bag and blankets for warmth.
  3. Warm clothing: Include warm clothing like a jacket, hat, and gloves.
  4. Personal hygiene items: Include personal hygiene items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products.
  5. Pet supplies: If you have pets, include food, water, and supplies for them.
  6. Tools: Include tools like a wrench, pliers, and duct tape.
  7. Map: Include a map of your local area.
  8. Water filtration system: Include a water filtration system if you're in an area without clean water.

Specialty First Aid Kits To Consider

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basic and advanced medical supplies and equipment to consider for your kit